collingwood real estate

Don Cook Real Estate

Wasaga Beach, Ontario spans 58.64 square kilometers on the southern coast of Georgian Bay in the southeastern part of the province.Located close to the towns in Collingwood, Stayner, Phelpston along with Allenwood Beach, the town is home to a total population of more than 22,000 people.The Wasaga Beach town Wasaga Beach is a major tourist destination in the during the summer due to its location in the most extensive freshwater beach in the world.

We are able to assist those who wish to purchase real property within Wasaga Beach, Glencairn, Glen Huron, Lisle, Hillsdale and the areas around in South Georgian Bay. If you're unsuccessful in finding the ideal property, consult to one of the Wasaga Beach real estate agents to get a better understanding of the market in the area or sign up to our latest Wasaga Beach listings to determine the next step.

collingwood real estate

wasaga beach real estate

Real Estate Statistics

Collingwood, Ontario

Frequently Asked Questions

The purchase of a second residence within Collingwood and Blue Mountain is a great investment.�Since the area is gorgeous all year round and is so close to Toronto The short-term rental market is popular, and you could make an enormous amount of money using services such as Airbnb.